At St Mary’s, staff are committed to weaving an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspective into the school’s learning and teaching programs. We have an Aboriginal Education Committee and a dedicated Aboriginal Education Worker (AEW) at the school who regularly presents to the school on important areas of Aboriginal culture and history. Meetings and Assemblies at school begin with an Acknowledgement of Country. You can learn more about Aboriginal Education in the Wilcannia Forbes Diocese here.
St Mary’s is committed to working in close partnership with the two local Aboriginal groups, Wiradjuri and Nari Nari. We have developed a close relationship with the local Nari Nari Tribal Council and are looking to strengthen this partnership as we work together to increase understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal culture. We also work closely and receive great support from the Hay Aboriginal Corporation Working Party and the Hay Aboriginal Medical Services. In 2021 the school created a Bush Tucker Garden..
We are working closely with our friends at the Nari Nari Tribal Council, the Hay Aboriginal Corporation Community Working Party and a First Nations Landscape Architecture company, Country Oriented Landscape Architecture (COLA) to develop this exciting project.